Friday, 26 November 2010


Audio file here.
On 21st. November, 2010 I won the diashihan (grand master(?)) section of the Shin Tozan Ryu of shakuhachi playing. This recording of the piece, Iwashimizu, was done on the following Tuesday 23rd. November.

The Certificate can be seen at the top of the blog.

Saturday, 6 November 2010

Songs for English

You can link here to another of my blog pages which contains the songs I have written for learning English.

風の歌 - Kaze no Uta

Audio file*



Kaze no Uta (The Song of the Wind) composed in 1970 by Tadao Sawai
Performed by Ibu Rozan (Robin Eve), shakuhachi, and Yuu Ishii, koto,
on 28th. February 2010 at a performance given by the koto pupils of Toshiko Sakurai.

*(If anyone can tell me how to upload one chapter from a DVD video, you can enjoy the performance in vivid colour. Ta.)

Thursday, 14 October 2010

Shakuhachi and Uguisu

A couple of years ago, in spring, I went out to a local park with my shakuhachi, and recording device and recorded an improvised duet between myself and an uguisu (Japanese Nightingale). Then a few months ago my good friend Mike Sharp, mountaineer, mathematician and master chef, edited the recording.
The result is as below.

I have never manage to combine the right elements since then, i.e. season, time, place, weather, instrument, recorder, but I will try to do it again.

I do feel rather guilty towards infringing natural laws. The uguisu was probably singing to claim his territory. These sessions often end with the bird flying away. My apologies to Mother Nature.

Tuesday, 5 October 2010

Marcello Shakuhachi Concerto in D minor

マルチェルロ 尺八によるオーボエ協奏曲二短調            尺八 ヰヴ呂山

The Marcello Oboe Concerto was composed sometime in the Baroque era. However at that time the shakuhachi was unknown in Europe so Marcello had to make do with an oboe. So here, at last, is the masterpiece restored to its intended glory.

The performance was  on Saturday 9th. October, at Mikiyama Koen Hall, with the Miki Chamber Orchestra conducted by Toshi Iwata. It all went very well, and was an enjoyable concert.

Here is a recording done professionally.

Here is a  video  shot from the back of the hall. Looks pretty but the sound is not so good.

For further information about the Miki Chamber Orchestra, in Japanese, see this MCO site.